You’ve been following Jolt Fitness on social media for awhile now. Some of your friends attend Jolt Fitness weekly and can’t stop talking about how much fun they have, the results they are seeing, and progress they are feeling. You’ve heard people say things like:

Jolt is a place where everyone is made to feel like family. There’s no judgment only support to help each and everyone reach their personal goals & challenge themselves to reach those expectations.”

- Barb D.

“I joined a gym (very briefly) about 25 years ago, but it was just not for me. In fact I said I would never join a gym again!…”

- Tracey M. (consistently participates in classes and personal training over the last 2 years+)

“Michelle & I are in our 50’s and were not looking to become “body builders” by going to the gym. Simply put, we were looking to improve our physical fitness levels, mental wellbeing & nutritional knowledge.”

- Rob R.

You’re excited and eager to join in with Barb, Rob and Tracey, but you’re nervous to get started. That’s a completely valid and common feeling. The three regulars listed above also felt that way on their first week too! It’s common for new members getting started to feel intimidated or unsure in their first few classes. It can be overwhelming and humbling to get started.

But here’s the thing…

At Jolt Fitness we provide education based fitness, meaning that there is a coach here to help guide you through every step of the process. They will show you everything from where to put your bag to how to read the workout board, and coach you through every single movement. We provide help with choosing exercise intensity, movement options and give feedback on form. We can semi-customize our classes, so that the most elite and the most beginner in the class can participate and feel appropriately challenged.

Here’s four examples of how a deadlift may be semi customized to meet the needs of the client’s individual body and fitness level. Not one of these examples below is better than the other, just different. Different goals, limitations, fitness levels, bodies and they are all treated on an individual semi customized level in a group fitness class.

If you went to the dentist and they told you that you have a cavity, would you go home and try to drill it out yourself?

We’re guessing you’d be more likely to rely on the dentist’s help, guidance and expertise. Fitness is the same way, it’s so much easier, more fun, and effective when guided by an expert trainer. If you have participated in fitness in the past and didn’t enjoy your experience in the gym or you’ve never felt like you would “fit in” at a typical gym, we’re here to change that. We’re revolutionizing the fitness industry by providing active health care rooted in education and integrity that improves your quality of life outside of the gym and builds a resilient body.

Ready to get started?

3 tips to get started:

1. Start before you’re ready

“I’m not fit enough to go to the gym” is a common phrase we hear before members embark on their fitness journey. This sadden’s us because we have seen the extraordinary benefits fitness has had on so many lives, mentally and physically. We hate to hear someone count themselves out from a place that is here to help people just like them. There is no fitness requirement to get started and there is no limitations on who gets the opportunity to live their life to the fullest.

We help people of all shapes, fitness levels and health status’. We have members who train to play OHL hockey and girl’s competitive fastball. We have members who participate with the same trainer as their Great Great Granddaughter. We have members who train to keep up with their kids and youth who are learning the importance of being a healthy kid! We train people with injuries and chronic pain and we train the communities fittest towards their next marathon, first pull-up or new personal best.

If the gym is new to you, we’ve got your back. In fact, all our of personal trainers were also once beginners too! Nobody enters this world knowing how to deadlift, set up a bench press bar, or even walk, but we all took that first step and look at us now. We’re all just beginners who took that first and hardest step to try something new and that takes courage, practice and consistency.

When you enter Jolt for the first time, you can be guaranteed to feel welcomed in by our coaches and Jolt Fam community, because we’ve all been there and we respect your courage to find your highest quality life and resilient body.

2. Consistency > Intensity

Would you rather shower for 48 days straight and then not shower for the following 317 days? Or would you rather shower once a week for 12 months?

Although, we encourage regular bathing, we believe consistency is greater than intensity and that the latter option would be more preferable.

Now let’s swap “shower” for “work out”. It’s common to come in guns blazing and excited to reach your fitness goals. You’re likely eager you have committed to a better life and in a hurry to start reaping the benefits. We are equally as excited for you! However when we prioritize intensity over consistency, we’re likely to run into burn out, stress, lack of results, frustration, soreness and possible injury.

Start with small achievable goals and consistently commit to making little changes that add up big over time. Stack these little habits on top of each other for big impact. Start by setting a goal you can commit to like drinking 1 bottle of water per day, or walking for 15 minutes each morning, eating 1 handful of veggies per day, or swapping your usual sugar filled mocha latte for a 1 cream coffee. Achieve your goal consistently and then stack another new goal on top of that. Over the next year, your goals will accumulate and your life will change.

3. Practice not Perfect

We don’t expect you to be perfect, not your first day and not 365 days in. We do not believe in perfection, what we do believe is that we can find a routine, movement form and patterns that work for you as an individual. The first day at Jolt Fitness is a lot of learning. We provide in-depth and on-going education. We expect you to ask questions, make mistakes and be imperfect. If you were perfect at fitness, we wouldn’t have a job as active health care professionals.

When you miss a day or you don’t quite reach your goal. Remember it’s not about the end goal anyways, it’s about all the learning in the process and finding purpose in the pursuit. Fitness offers so much more than just body composition changes, the challenges you face and overcome build a resilient high quality life outside of the gym doors. A step in the right direction counts, no matter how big, small or repetitive that step may seem.




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